Hair Raiser Texturizing Spray

Hair Raiser 16oz.png
Hair Raiser 16oz.png

Hair Raiser Texturizing Spray


With the perfect combination of generating memory, texture and added benefits of anti-static and frizz makes this one of our signature products.

Use direct.

A Texturizing spray known for its use by professional groomers on terriers, topknots, feathering or whenever you want a nice, full coat. This product helps add volume and texture to the coat, allowing it to stand up therefore making scissoring and grooming easier, not to mention giving a beautiful look to your final results. An absolute “must have” for competition groomers. Safe to use on dogs & cats.

Contains: A Proprietary Blend of Conditioners, Purified Water, and Glycerin

Available in 16oz sizes only

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